On May 17, the first meeting regarding the organization of the XXVI Symposium was held at the Pro Novum headquarters, chaired by the President of Pro Novum - Jerzy Trzeszczyński.
Mr. Jerzy Trzeszczyński summarized last year's anniversary Symposium and presented the purpose of organizing this year's Symposium. Then the topic of the 26th Symposium was approved:
- Modes of operation for power units - regulatory or flexible operation?
- Depletion of durability under flexible operation conditions.
- Identification of the effects of flexible operation.
- Review of non-destructive and destructive testing methods.
- Modernizations, renovations and LTSA service during the transformation of the Polish energy.
The proposals of Content Partners were discussed - companies officially supporting this year's Symposium in terms of content and prestige.
We expect that the submitted papers will be related to the topic of this year's Symposium or a reference to issues related to this issue.
The next organizational meeting is scheduled for June 17, 2024.